When signing up to H5P.com, there are some useful settings that can be found by navigating the site. This is a guide to go through these settings.
First of all, to find these settings, click on "Manage Organization" and then the "Settings" button can be found on the left side of the screen. The settings are divided into sub-categories:
- Content types settings: Restrict specific content types
- User settings: Automatic archiving of inactive users
- Content behaviour settings: Toolbar below the content
- LTI settings: LTI behavioural settings
- Security settings: Control site and content security
- Permissions: Control permissions for different roles
Content types settings: Restrict specific content types
Here are the available content types on H5P.com, not all of them are available by default, but in this section, you can edit them so they become available either for the creation of a new H5P, for adding inside another content or to import and upload an H5P.
The contents available are based on this document.
User settings: Automatic archiving of inactive users
Here you can decide how the users are going to be handled after an inactive period. Either archive them after inactivity or never archive them.
You can read more about this feature here.
Content behaviour settings: Toolbar below the content
Here can be edited the bar that shows below an H5P.
It is possible to change what the toolbar displays or whether the toolbar displays at all.
In this setting is also possible to choose if someone else can reuse your content, either by downloading it or by embedding it.
If there's copyrighted content, it is also possible to show it through the Toolbar.
You can choose whether to show or not show the H5P logo.
It's also possible to show or not show the number of attempts done by learners.
You can also change the way the author will be shown in the content.
And how the Confusion Indicator should behave can also be edited here. To read more about the Confusion Indicator, check this documentation.
To hide profane words based on H5Ps standards, here's the setting for it, This feature is only available for Live Engagement Tools and is helpful for an author who wants to hide profane words. An author can either use the H5Ps filter, create a new filter themselves, or not filter at all.
LTI settings: LTI behavioural settings
This is the section to change how the content will behave on an LTI, it is possible to decide the width of the content, if the LMS should receive the scores from your H5Ps, which attempt should create a score, and how the resume content feature will act.
Here it is also possible to decide if students should be allowed to see their own reports, you can read more about this feature here: Access to Learner Reports. Additionally, you can enable this using our Basic LTI 1.3 inside Canvas.
Security settings: Control site and content security
Here you can decide which type of authentication each user must use, you can also determine if the content created on the organization can be embedded and if so, in which domains it can be embedded. Here it is also possible to choose if the content should show up or not on different search engines (for public content only).
To read more about Protecting Public Content, visit this link.
To read more about 2FA, visit this link.
Permissions: Control permissions for different roles
If reports are enabled in your organization, in this section is possible to choose which type of users can see them.
To read more about these settings, visit this link.
Additionally, with Smart Import and Student Authoring enabled, you can allow students to create H5Ps using the Smart Import feature.