When creating an H5P, there are extra settings that can be changed, some of them are independent, and some correlate with the "Organization settings".
To find these settings, you just need to create or edit an H5P and scroll down. It should look something like this:
The settings are divided into sub-categories:
Display Options
With these settings is possible to choose how the Toolbar will behave in this specific content. You can decide if the Toolbar should be visible or not, if users can and how to download the content, if you want to display the Copyright button, and how the Confusion Indicator will behave.
Note: These settings, will only affect this H5P, to change the global Toolbar settings, read this article.
Here you can find one possible way to decide whether or not your content will be Unpublished (Content can't be inserted into LMS), Protected (Content can be inserted into LMS), or Public (Visible to the public using a content link. Content can be inserted into LMS and embedded).
If you choose the "Public" option while editing a content an "External link" and an "Embed code" will display, this way it will be easier to share your content.
Note: These settings, will only affect this H5P, to change the global Security settings, read this article.
If your organization has folders, this is one of the ways to choose which folder the content will be in.
If your organization has more than one user, this is one of the possible ways to share the content with a specific user.
To add/remove users in your organization, this article might be useful.
Share with organization
This is one of the ways to share the content with your organization, by doing this the content selected will be visible to every member of your organization.
LTI Settings
This is the section to change settings like the maximum width that this specific content will have on an LMS, how the scores will be chosen, and how the resume feature should behave.
Here it is also possible to decide if students should be allowed to see their own reports, you can read more about this feature here: Using Basic LTI 1.3 inside Canvas.
Note: These settings, will only affect this H5P, to change the global LTI settings, read this article.