The confusion indicator lets users provide feedback on content (e.g. unclear questions, missing information, etc). The content author receives feedback on the specific content and can choose to discard or resolve the feedback.
In order to use the confusion indicator, it must be activated by the administrator. This is done on the settings tab under "Manage Organization". The admin can choose from a range of settings, controlling whether or not content authors should be able to control the confusing feedback.
Depending on the settings applied by the administrator, the content author can activate the confusion indicator in the display tab in the content editing tool.
Once activated, the content user will see an “I am confused” button in the bottom right corner when viewing the content. When clicking the button, a popover is displayed, allowing the user to submit the desired feedback either anonymously or as a user. The feedback is specific to the part of the content currently being viewed.
Once feedback is submitted, the content author will receive an email informing about the feedback. The provided feedback is available to the content author in the “Confusion Feedback” tab of the content. On this page, the author can filter, resolve and delete the feedback given.
The format of the feedback will depend on the content type in use. For context-aware content types, the feedback will contain information on which parts of the content the feedback was submitted. The context-aware content types are:
- Interactive video: Feedback contains information on which parts of the video the user was confused by (time).
- Interactive book: Feedback contains information on which page the user was confused by.
- Question set: Feedback contains information on which question the user was confused by.
- Course Presentation: Feedback contains information on which slide the user was confused by.
For non-context-aware content types, the content author will receive general feedback for the whole content.