The different content types generate scores and grades in different ways, when this is done it can either be stored inside the H5P reports or it can be sent to several LMSs via LTI.
Here's more information on when the content types create scores/grades:
Branching Scenario needs to have scoring configured (check the built-in walkthrough for details).
- The Chase when the submit button is clicked.
Column when all questions are answered (typically when they all are checked/submitted).
Course Presentation when a graded activity is included and the user presses the confirm button on the Summary.
- Crossword when the submit button is clicked.
Dictation when the submit button is clicked.
- Documentation Tool when the submit button is clicked.
Drag and Drop when the submit button is clicked.
Drag the Words when the submit button is clicked.
- Emoji Cloud when the submit button is clicked.
Essay when the submit button is clicked.
Fill in the Blanks when the submit button is clicked.
Find the Hotspot when the user clicks something.
Find Multiple Hotspots when the user clicks something (will typically send the score multiple times).
Flashcards when the check button is clicked.
- Game Map by clicking on the Flag icon and finishing the Map.
Image Sequencing when the check button is clicked.
Interactive Book when the user clicks the submit button on the submit screen.
Interactive Video when a graded activity is included and the user pushes the submit button on the submit screen.
Mark the Words when the submit button is clicked.
Multiple Choice when the submit button is clicked.
- Multipoll when the submit button is clicked.
Single Choice Set when the user reaches the summary page.
Sort the Paragraphs when the submit button is clicked.
Summary when all statements are answered correctly.
Question Set (quiz) check button is clicked for all questions and the user reaches the summary page.
- Word Cloud when the submit button is clicked.
Note that even though the Virtual Tour 360 may contain tasks with scores per task it does not have any concept of completion (there are no check button or submit button at the end and no summary screen) and thus it does not send any scores via LTI to the LMS.