You have now created an H5P and wish to show it to your students or authors.
These are two possible (not counting sharing through LTI) ways to achieve this:
Note: keep in mind that for this to work, the H5P needs to be set to "🌎Public". You can read more on how to change the status of a content here: How to change the status of an H5P.
External Link
Right after setting your content as "Public" and saving it, the URL of the content itself can now be shared with other users. Any person with the URL would be able to access the content without the need of having an H5P account.
Here's an example of a sharable H5P URL:
Embed Code
After saving the content as "Public", the embed code can be found inside the "Publishing Content" popup, by clicking on "Embed Code". This code can now be copied and pasted into any platform that supports embedding. To do so, you will need to insert it into a text box that accepts code, which is typically identified by the "</>" symbol.
Here's an example of an embed code:
<iframe src="" aria-label="How to crack an egg" width="1088" height="637" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="autoplay *; geolocation *; microphone *; camera *; midi *; encrypted-media *"></iframe><script src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>
Here's how it looks after embedding: