Release Note
May 16th 2023
Main new features
Students can view their own reports
When students view an H5P they have already submitted, they will now get access to their own reports/answers. Do note this feature is disabled by default. It can be enabled on the account level or per content item.
This feature is only available for accounts having the drill-down reports feature enabled. You can read more about that here
Reports at the end of Branching Scenario
When a student finishes Branching Scenario, they can now view their own report. Below, you'll notice a new button labelled "See my report":
When clicking this button, the drill-down report for the student's attempt will be displayed. Here's an example:
Do note this feature is only available for accounts having the drill-down reports feature enabled. You can read more about that here
Add Image Choice in several contexts
Image Choice can now be added to Course Presentation, Interactive Video, Column and Interactive Book. Below you will see examples of usage.
Example: Image Choice inside Course Presentation
Example: Image Choice inside Interactive Video
Example: Image Choice inside Interactive Book
Accessibility improvements
- Improve text contrast ratio in reuse dialog
- Fix confusion indicator button trapping keyboard users
- Single Choice Set: inform screen reader users about what the correct answer was
Other changes
Interactive Video: disable navigation modes
Interactive Video has an option to disable navigation. Previously, this would disable both backward and forward navigation, but now this is decided by the author:
In-app notifications makes it possible for H5P Group to notify users about new features etc. When a new notification is sent out, it will display the next time a user logs in to
Improve file downloads
For H5Ps offering download of files, this is now improved. This is currently relevant for Documentation Tool and Course Presentation, and should give broader device support.
In addition, the Exportable Text Area in Course Presentation has been rewritten. Previously, it created a .doc file, now it will create a .docx file.
Reorganize content behaviour settings
The accounts Settings found under "Manage organization" has been changed. I.e: "Display settings" and "Content behaviour setting" have been merged into one category.
- Performance fixes
- Preparations for being able to display number of content views per account
- Improved integration with CRM
- Interactive Video: Fix "Rights of use" button not being shown when copyright information is added to the text track files
- Images: Fix alt and title supporting all characters.
Translation updates
- h5p-editor-branching-question
- h5p-editor-collage
- h5p-editor-drag-question
- h5p-editor-duration
- h5p-editor-image-coordinate-selector
- h5p-editor-image-hotspot-question
- h5p-editor-range-list
- h5p-editor-single-choice-set-textual-editor
- h5p-editor-summary-textual-editor
- h5p-editor-timecode
- h5p-editor-wizard
- h5p-audio
- h5p-blanks
- h5p-branching-question
- h5p-column
- h5p-documentation-tool
- h5p-drag-text
- h5p-free-text-question
- h5p-goals-assessment-page
- h5p-go-to-question
- h5p-guess-the-answer
- h5p-iframe-embed
- h5p-image-hotspot-question
- h5p-image-hotspots
- h5p-image-slide
- h5p-image-slider
- h5p-iv-hotspot
- h5p-link
- h5p-mark-the-words
- h5p-multi-choice
- h5p-open-ended-question
- h5p-question-set
- h5p-table
- h5p-text
- h5p-text-input-field
- h5p-timeline