To be able to embed H5P content on other platforms without using LTI, the content has to be publicly available. This means anyone visiting your page, can copy the embed code and use it on their site. If this is not wanted, can protect the content by offering a domain allowlisting feature. I.e: if you want your content only to be available from, you add to the allow list. If someone embeds your H5P on another site, the H5P content won't be displayed.
This feature can be set up on the organization/account level, per content, or as a combination of these.
Setup domain allowlisting for the organization
Below are the steps to set up allow listing of domains on the organization level:
- Log in as an administrator
- Click Manage Organization
- In the left panel click Settings
- Expand Security settings
- Click the dropdown menu under Domain allowlisting. Below are the choices:
- Never: Content that is published can be embedded anywhere.
- Set per content - on by default: Content can only be viewed if they are embedded in a site listed in the Allowed Domains. Authors can change this setting in the content editor (instructions for authors below).
- Set per content - off by default: Contents that are published publicly can be viewed by anyone. Authors can change this setting in the content editor (instructions for authors below).
- Always: Contents can only be viewed if they are embedded in a site listed in the Allowed Domains.
- Type the domain then click the add domain button
- Click Save settings
If "Set per content" is chosen, the author will get the possibility to change this per content. I.e: the author can:
- Disable the allowlisting
- Add more domains (in addition to the ones set up by the administrator)
Setup domain allowlisting per content
Below are the steps to set up allow listing per content. Please note that domain allowlisting settings will only be available after saving the content.
- Edit the content
- Go to Publish
- Click on Content Availability
- Click the dropdown menu under Domain allowlisting. Below are the choices:
- Domain allowlisting ON: Contents can only be viewed if they are embedded in a site listed in the Allowed Domains.
- Domain allowlisting OFF: Contents that are published can be embedded anywhere.
- Type the domain then click the add domain button
- Save the content.